THX\ 1!   11 ! ! ) *"#$"'(/+0,%-&. t`td ttdpd `d pd <0<0 800000POPP0000000<<t`td ttdpd `d pd d DtHHPOPPPH<     000000000<<<000 0000<< <d dpt`td ttdpd `d dpd `d `d `d `d d@dP00 000000<< <00000 00<< <d@H H t    P   000000<<<0<dpd d `d `d `d ` d |d@HP `d d `d `d l`ld dpd `d tpd DPP(     d d dp              d d `d `d t|d@dPPPd@P@<<z>` 6@ ?za z -<@, ?9@@$<9@@$<@@<zh @? @@?zh T9@@$<9@@$< 9@@$< 9@@$<$@ ?:<8zh @? @@5(?9@@$<??????????????????Zero Impression- Composed by: -- Daiz'l/Mystic! -- December 1996! -- Duration: 1.32 - This is actuallythe first THX I'veever made, and I'm quite satisfiedwith it. It's beena long time since I did any C-64 tunes. 4 years to be exact. I usedto be known (?) as Shade/Flash the old days...Incomplete greets: Michael/AnathemaVim!/Eltech/Ph303 Pink/Abyss Coke/Intellect Bladerunner Germic, Ooze Kermit, Wizard Randy and some MYSTIC people:Amon, Quartz, MikeBobo and Reactor. Contact me at: kenjon-6