AON4artofnoise by bastian spiegel (twice/lego)NAMEromantic chiptuneAUTH twice/legoDATE17-mar-1995 - The year of MIDIRMRKD Composed by Bastian Spiegel ('Twice/Lego') 100% Romantic chip stuff ;) Contact me at: Bastian Spiegel Trupermoorer Landstrasse 17a 28865 Lilienthal Germany Tel: 04298-30731 ** I have received quite a lot of letters lately, but I am (unfortunately) not able to reply all of them (lack of money(!!) and time(!!!!!)) So, please don't send letters like 'Hello this is ... Do you want to swap demos and stuff ?!' because I'm NOT interested in swapping!!!! Music-Coders, musicians and AON-regarding stuff are ofcourse always welcome!!! ** INFO4 ARPG@3p2P4pL7L%LGPLST PATT 1A @@@@@@@@@@@/-/ 1A  @ @  @ @ @ @  @@ @@@    /    -  /   1A%@ @*@, @1@,@*@8 @1@% @,@*@/% *, 1,*8 1% ,*//% *, 1,*8 1% ,*/-% *, 1,*/8 1% ,* /1A% @*@, @1@,@*@8 @1@% @,@*@/% *, 1,*8 1% ,*//% *, 1,*8 1% ,*//% *, 1,*8 1% ,* /1A1) @1@1 @)@1@1@1) @1@1 @)@1@11) 1)1 )111) 11 )11/1) 11 )111) 1)1 )11-1) 11 )11/1) 1)1) )1) 11A 1) @ 1@ 1 @ )@ 1@ 1@ 1) < 11 )111) 1)1 )111) 11 )111) 11 )111) 1)1 )111) 11 )111) 1)1) )1)1 )3  % 14  11 1H3@141H11)8 % 11  11q 1H8 @11 1H16)1 0 % )3 ( 18 11 13 118 )1  % 13  18  11113 ) @ ! 1 @1 -1-1) ! )1 -1-1)4q ! 116 -81-14)6 # )8)4 /6 )4/13 )%AL % 1@S 1@J 1H@J @1@J1H1@J)@J % 1@@ 1@@ 1H@@@1@@1H1@@)@ % )@ 1@ 1@1@11@)#L % 1@ 1@ 1@1@11@)!L ! 1@1@ -@1@-1@)@ ! )@1@ -@1@-1@)#L # 1@1@ /@1@/1@)@ # )@)@ /@)@/1 @INST0q @rPP(0q@l.I}}"@sPP(WLEN8WAVE '/7'/7'/7'/7'/7'/7/77Y*C?GFOOLZYXabajgejijhiee`^[VQMHE<:3+' '/9=HPS[amjrz|xxzzzz||||||||zzxvvsmhb\WPJC=6/("  #(.37˷ǵזƮ:9*gez"ޛ l'D=OZX#=Į)ܡ(>3U$YӀ8<)V,&C0() |{mT@G@X`7*I2_)S"16B ,$*   0- *$   nrvz~NRVZ^CXӇC,9KP|s= $0T0n<0IX Ȃ$! },,QhScM4?h"@*IPF$\=,$:,)}b: he-됩T=$6 (xjy^\@+C@߰gkN@E:XxoDN㧄B =c6󨉵°0À~c W403;/SWNd^5E٠(0@Yt@r Ͳ/&Dlۍ glGx'+A@M-"@A46l TlgA0V3;_;o,-DөIޡ: mrH$*MB?Bڱ 'Q4ѡA;HQ]lti `hkV#|CN#BNHd @8v~8oA|SJNDUD!lRP*Gd&q$)` "h 5$C %Dq\hH@@HD=nm׆SB2APUP(e4]BzxI O 0`*ςVGQbaS7*$ȟx@cwsg  53FF 5VI 8 V 888W;8WV8*WWT*88(V8  88  VT"(** V>*W8 8*V(88  (  " 9"1. 1,I3* <0  0  ;;  0  0< *3I,1 .1"9 "  #