שתשת; T incdir asm: include bincs.i incdir include: include misc/deliplayer.i SECTION Player,code PLAYERHEADER PlayerTagArray dc.b '$VER: BoulderDash MEGA-COLLECTION bootloader ' dc.b 'Custom Player V1.0 (20 Jun 2003)',0 even PlayerTagArray dc.l DTP_CustomPlayer,1 dc.l DTP_Creator,playercreator dc.l DTP_Interrupt,interrupt dc.l DTP_InitPlayer,initplayer dc.l DTP_EndPlayer,endplayer dc.l DTP_InitSound,initsound dc.l DTP_EndSound,endsound dc.l DTP_DeliBase,delibase dc.l $80004474,2 dc.l 0 delibase dc.l 0 first_time dc.l 0 playercreator dc.b 'Player creator unknown. Ripped from BoulderDash ' dc.b 'MEGA-COLLECTION bootloader',10 dc.b 'Adapted for Eagleplayer and UADE by shd',0 even initplayer move.l dtg_AudioAlloc(a5),a0 jsr (a0) moveq #0,d0 rts endplayer move.l dtg_AudioFree(a5),a0 jsr (a0) rts initsound clr.l first_time rts endsound move #0,aud0vol+custom move #0,aud1vol+custom move #0,aud2vol+custom move #0,aud3vol+custom move #$000f,dmacon+custom rts song_end push all move.l delibase(pc),a5 move.l dtg_SongEnd(a5),a0 jsr (a0) pull all rts interrupt push all lea $dff000,a2 tst.l first_time bne.b not_first_time st first_time move #$000f,dmacon(a2) move.l delibase,a5 move.l dtg_WaitAudioDMA(a5),a0 jsr (a0) move.l #sample,aud0lch(a2) move.l #sample,aud1lch(a2) move #(samplee-sample)/2,aud0len(a2) move #(samplee-sample)/2,aud1len(a2) move #$34a,aud0per(a2) move #$34a,aud1per(a2) move #$40,aud0vol(a2) move #$40,aud1vol(a2) move #$8003,dmacon(a2) move.l dtg_WaitAudioDMA(a5),a0 jsr (a0) move #$0780,intreq(a2) pull all rts not_first_time move intreqr(a2),d0 and #$780,d0 beq.b nothing move #$0780,intreq(a2) bsr song_end nothing pull all rts section data,data_c sample incbin sample.raw samplee end