@pNuDELIRIUMX$VER: Double Dragon 2 - Custom Module, adapted by Don Adan/Wanted TeamDUDYD^DcDdDeDfEPCustomPlay Binary Design Presents... Double Dragon II - The Revenge Licenced from TradeWest Inc. TM & 1989 American Technos Inc. 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Inc. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Binary Design Ltd. Commodore Amiga(TM) programming by Richard Aplin A.I. programming: Gary Vine Music & Sound effects: Tomas Dahlgren Steve Barrett Richard Aplin Graphics: The Picture ElementANuM[M\ mLN mPNHaLpNu`VA1|p1@1@1@1@NuMAf-H-H-H-Hp=@=@=@=@NuM=|0<Q=|BnBnBnBn-|-|-|p=@=@=@=|a*ByByNuBy3Nuaa (Nu3@3@B3>Aaz3>>AaT3>>NuS(j,"h fn$PR f(!|$Pg(@!|g(@RЀЀE !R`<d\ЀЀE $rR Z Z&R%Z'Z*!J!JЀЀE $rRZ"!J!J<d?@@)Y#` h)@#(!Ih h"!h!hh*+NuBS(fh"$hR f !h`$hfB`(#(T@$jBCDЀ0r((gh(%('fg6J(+gS(+`Jf(&d(r`(&e(A' dAdAdAh(BS( fh "h )gR"hfBNuNu) ] <  skNMu5W'];}hS@. xqke_ZUPLGC@<9520-*(&$"  : @ N T Z ` g k t |                   " , : F O [ e r {                        \ m  $ '    c t * 5 g  2`g        ''''%% %% $ $  $ $ "&&&"&&&")))")))ƃ:::8686331::8686336313680Ɓ3686363102582Ɓ2:<><:875Ǘ?:=B?<>Aƃ????????????>>JJɓ?:?B?:?B?:?A>F̓?:?B:?B?:?B:?B?:?B?>>??AABDDȓ?:?B:?B?:?B:?B?:?B?>>??AABDD))))ɇ<:<8758=:8:=?A?A=?=:<:<87578533531LJ875:831875H75'''')))) $ $  $ $ '''' Ɓ3683ʇ3Ɓ3685ʇ1Ɓ3683ʇ,́3683ʇ'Nj:8:=?=:=:8:683513836353131.3ǟ3533lj:68:=:=?=:8:68351.1336836868:686313616313·....,,,,33333333Ɓ65555555553333333313333333333ȁ:85853585353-353-',13@@`@0MA(HH=@(H(H=@(H(H=@Jyg&Syf3Ry yfN6p(a=@p( a=@p( a=@NuydpNu dlt|> $  *06:@FPV\`f8       " & * . 2 6       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T XRZdjrz