Songs from Faery Tale Adventure by David Joiner. Ripped originally by Florian Vorberger. Song end support improved by shd / uade team. The original rip didn't prevent song looping. The new version issues song end on loop repeat. The original version did song end only for subsongs 3 and 6. Those aren't default subsongs. Now it's possible to play all subsongs sequentially without redundant repeat. Only two bytes differ (on branch) between this and the original version. It's an unconditional branch at arount offset $450. md5sums: 817291e6c5125c249ca09f77e2081acd CUST.Faery_Tale_Adventure (original) e417dc6c7af30613653acd9cc4a4a52b CUST.Faery_Tale_Adventure_mod (modified) shd / uade team Heikki Orsila