@#*#*pNuDELIRIUMZ$VER: Quest For Galaxia - Custom Module, adapted by Don Adan/Wanted TeamDUDYD^NDcBDdHDe|DfEP(CustomPlay QUEST FOR GALAXIA This is a conversion of a game of the same name written by GOTH of the shapeshifters on the Atari ST, but I thought the galaxians were too ugly in 8 colours so I took 16 (he he he). Also this one has better gameplay and sound (I think). Actually this version was also written by GOTH of the shapeshifters, in four days (including music emulator), my first program on the Amiga. Revenge of the swatted flies. Or ... THE RETURN OF THE BIRDMEN. I had to write something on the Amiga, in order to get more familiar with it, so all you folks get this game. Written in devpac, version 2.14. February 1993. On an A1200. What do you think of my almost exact emulation of the Yamaha YM2149 soundenchipper? I didn't have the correct drum sound (tissue paper) but I thought what the hell and changed it to this wierd one. A little tip... If you do a YM2149 emu yourself the square wave 'sample' must be only two bytes long! Or it will sound different. All music composed and coded by GOTH, no sountracker or noisetracker stuff here. (C)1993 G.WHEATONANuM[M\ mLN mPNHa`LpNuHp99gWLNu#XvBytByzNuA1|p1@1@1@1@Nu9teNuI M$yvSyzj>"<# # # @# tE$mE3"z#v"Z Za"Z Za"Z Za"Z ZaNu (C)1993. G.WHEATON. 60 NEVIS GROVE. BOLTON. 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