Ubuntu Studio DVD image downloads

Ubuntu Studio mirrors

Hello! Here are two basic download mirrors for Ubuntu Studio DVD-images. One of them is in USA and the other one is in Germany – both under my z80.guru domain. Their content is identical and they will be available for now.

California, USA

Domain: america.z80.guru

IP address:

rsync america.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'

Deutschland, EU

Domain: europe.z80.guru

IP address:

rsync europe.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'

Both servers support access via either HTTP or FTP. It is recommended to use an actual FTP client. Find the files under "mirror/Ubuntu Studio". Furthermore, both servers are running an rsync daemon, which can also be used to download any of the available files.

Downloading 32 or 64 version

Here are direct links to grab a copy for your particular architecture from the mirror of your choosing. You can also use wget or curl to download from the console.

 Download 32-bit ISO from USA:ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-i386.iso
 Download 32-bit ISO from Germany:ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-i386.iso
 Download 64-bit ISO from USA:ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso
 Download 64-bit ISO from Germany:ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso

It is recommended that you confirm the hash of the file you downloaded and that you cross-check it from the official download site! You will also find PGP signatures there, so that you can be sure that the MD5 checksums or SHA hashes have not been tampered.

Using rsync to download

In case you are unfamiliar with it, rsync is a powerful tool that can be used to copy files from a remote host to your local filesystem, ie. effectively to download them. Below are commands to do that. Hover over each command for more information.

 rsync america.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'/ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-i386.iso .
 rsync europe.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'/ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-i386.iso .
 rsync america.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'/ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso .
 rsync europe.z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio'/ubuntustudio-16.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso .

The above commands will download the ISO into your current directory, but you may replace the . with any local directory you want to be the download destination. To download all of the files you can do rsync -av z80.guru::'Ubuntu Studio' /whereever/studiofiles.

If you do not have rsync on your system, it is very likely available in a repository for your Linux/BSD. There is also a port of it for Windows at https://www.itefix.net/cwrsync/. The official rsync website at https://rsync.samba.org/ has the documentation online.

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